[Aikido] Planning for ABOC tournament...

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Mon Jan 19 19:45:21 EST 2004

Dear Everybody,

   As you know, the Arnold Battle of Columbus tournament will be held March 
5-7, 2004 in Columbus, Ohio.  As it turns out, aikido competitions will not 
begin until the morning of Saturday March 6th.  This means that we should 
probably plan on driving in a van to Columbus on Friday the 5th.

   It is my understanding that it is about a 9 hour drive.  Since there is 
an aikido banquet on Friday evening that we should try to attend so that 
you can make friends with everyone whose butts you will kick the next 
morning, I think it would be a good idea for us to hit the road no later 
than 8 a.m. on Friday the 5th.

   So, each of you should, right now, make sure you have no tests on Friday 
the 5th or any reason to not go with us!

   Second, could our new President David please delegate and make 
arrangements for a van.  If we cannot get ahold of a Vassar van, then let's 
rent one from one of the local car rental places.  Please make arrangements 
this week, as not all rental car companies rent out vans.  And if you need 
a credit card, etc, I'll use mine.  But tell me where to get the van, etc.

   Aside from that, this is going to be a hell of a lot of fun.

   And, finally, bring new people to aikido.



Yours truly,

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave #424
Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0424

Telephone:      845-437-5209
FAX:            845-437-7576
E-mail: flynn at vassar.edu

My Academic Website is http://irving.vassar.edu/faculty/sf/sf.htm
My Aikido Website is http://vsa.vassar.edu/~aikido/

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