[Aikido] Summer Aikido Schedule

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Thu May 20 17:47:07 EDT 2004

Dear Everybody,

   Here's the deal.

   Next week or so, we're going to move all of the mats over to Bay 5 of 
Walker Field House.  We'll pile them up next to the Fencing Club 
office.  We'll then lay them out every time we want to practice.

   I've just gotten word that 6-8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays will be our 
regular time.  However, Professor Marco suggested that he teach some 
morning classes as well.  So I'll be there in the evenings, and we'll 
figure something out for the mornings.

   Let's start on the new schedule this coming Monday.  Please meet at 6 
p.m. in our regular room and we'll start moving mats over.  As for the next 
few days, let's have a 6-8 p.m. practice in our normal room tonight and 
discuss what to do over the weekend.



Yours truly,

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave #424
Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0424

Telephone:      845-437-5209
FAX:            845-437-7576
E-mail: flynn at vassar.edu

My Academic Website is http://irving.vassar.edu/faculty/sf/sf.htm
My Aikido Website is http://vsa.vassar.edu/~aikido/

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