[Aikido] tournament quotes please

japarziale at vassar.edu japarziale at vassar.edu
Wed Oct 20 16:01:23 EDT 2004

Hello all, Janine Parziale here.
   As of now I am in my capacity as Features Editor of the Miscellany,
reporting on the Aikido tournament.  Please take a few minutes to
respond to any/all of the following questions with the understanding
that you will be quoted. I will not publish any one word answers, so
please, be specific.

What were your general impressions/emotions that day?

Is there anything you would like to see changed/improved for next year's

Describe a memorable moment of the tournament.

How would you describe aikido to someone who has no experience with
marital arts?

Why do you participate in aikido?

What do you like/dislike about the Vassar aikido club?

Do you have anything else to add?

Please email me your responses before this Sunday and include your title
if you are in a leadership position.

Thank you for your time.

Janine Parziale

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