[Aikido] samurai film screening

japarziale at vassar.edu japarziale at vassar.edu
Sun Oct 31 13:21:11 EST 2004

Hey all,
  This Monday evening at 7pm my Asian Studies class will be watching
Inagak's epic samurai film, "Chushingura."  It is a classic, and
apparently over three hours long. I realize the vast majority of you
will be far too busy with your studies, but I wanted to let everyone
know.  We will be in Rocky room 304- if you want to come- email
professor Jarow at jarow at vassar.edu or call at ext 5516, and request a
spot- it is supposed to be a closed screening- but if you explain you
are an aikido student, he may let you in.  I have not seen the film
myself, but apparently it is very illustrative of Japan during the
Tokugawa era, emphasizing the samurai feudal fealty and moral code.
Contact me if you need any clarification.
  :) Janine

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