[Aikido] Tuesday Practice...

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Mon Aug 29 14:37:24 EDT 2005

Dear Everybody,


  I'm still not sure of the time that Tuesday practice will be held.  During
the summer, Tuesday practice was 5-7 p.m. and we may have to do that because
it is still unclear whether the gym will be back on normal hours this week
or not (one person said yes, another no).  So unless you hear otherwise,
let's plan on 5-7 p.m.  


  Also, did anybody pick up the e-mail sign up list that some freshman added
themselves to on Saturday?  If so, could you please send me those e-mails?
I think there were only a few who signed up.  But if there were a lot, maybe
just had me the paper tomorrow on Tuesday.  I don't want you to waste a lot
of time copying the e-mail addresses into an e-mail to send me.


  And, of course, welcome back!  I've picked up some new tricks as did
Aslak.  It will be fun to share what we've learned with you.  And expect
practices to be run a wee bit differently this semester.







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