[Aikido] Tournament Information

Charles Hudson chhudson at vassar.edu
Tue Oct 18 13:11:29 EDT 2005

Hey everyone. Sorry it has taken me so long to get this information 
out. If you'd like to come to the tournament please email Louise! So 
all we have from Vassar is:

Geoff: Men's events
Jun: Men's events
Charlie: Men's events
Jared: ?

I know there are at least a few more out there (Katy?) so please let 
Louise know. I am willing to be an uke for the open kata so if you want 
to throw me (Jun?) let me know.

  Here is what we have come up with for schedule:


9:00am Registration Begins

9:30am Events begin.
	We're going to try to start off events quickly, so everyone should try 
to come right at 9 and get yourself warm.

We don't have a set schedule because we expect at least half of the 
competitors to register on-site, and we'll need to know how many people 
are doing what to have a better schedule. The officers and I decided 
that we should run all of the Kata first, followed by randori. As far 
as the order of randori events goes, I just made that up off the top of 
my head right now, so if you have any requests or suggestions please 
make them, but make them soon. Anyways, here's the order:

	Kyu rank: basic 17
	Open: free kata
	First rounds
		Men's Kyu rank tanto
		Men's Open tanto

		Women's Kyu rank Tanto
		Women's Open tanto

		Men's Open toshu
		Women's open toshu

		Same order.

		Same order.

Lunch Break: 11:30-1:30 We'll break for lunch around 11:30 and return 
to wherever we are in the randori when we get back at 1:30.

Wrap up: when competitions are done, or 8pm, whichever comes sooner. 
However, as long as we are on top of things I don't think we will have 
a problem wrapping everything up by 5 or 6.


9-10:45 Dave Nettles seminar

11-12:45 Earl Layumas seminar

12:45-2:30 Lunch

2:30-4:15 Mystery seminar (probably Ball Sensei or Manny)

As far as numbers coming to the tournament, so far we have four or five 
from our club (I think it'll be more like 6 or 8), we got only 4 
pre-registration forms, and then I expect between 10 and 20 on site 
registrations, which should bring the numbers to between 20 and 30, 
which should be good.

Ok, see you guys soon,


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