[Aikido] Setting Up Tomorrow...

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Thu Oct 20 18:04:28 EDT 2005

Dear Everybody especially Charlie,

   I still haven't heard back from the powers that be about what time we 
should set up tomorrow.  So unless you hear otherwise, I think you should 
all meet to set up at 4 p.m.  That will give you two hours.

   I unfortunately have to go get Sensei Nettles at Kennedy Airport.  He's 
arriving at 5 p.m. so I can't be there to help set up.  So please set up 
without me.

   There are currently 27 mats in our normal room.  These have to all be 
moved to the gym to bay 1.  There should of course be 30 mats total.  I 
found two of them today.  One is by the pool, in the corner where they do 
diving.  Another is on the landing that overlooks the bleachers in the 
Fieldhouse.  I assume that the final mat is in the row team's room (i.e. 
what used to be the boxing room.)

   In addition, there are 5 mats of a slightly different size on the deck 
that overlooks the swiming pool.  Please get them and put them to good use.

   Charlie, right now I have two scoreboards and equiptment to run two 
tournament mats simultaneously.  Do I need to make up a scoreboard and 
flags for a third mat?  Do you think there will be enough competitors to 
justify that?  As it is, if we have two competition mats laid out on 30 
total of our folding mats, there will be plenty of safety space for people 
to take falls just outside the competition area if they get thrown off the 
mats by a good technique.  So it might be best to just run two competition 
areas simultaneously.  But I we could squeeze in three.  If you want to do 
that, I need to know asap.  So please call my cell phone at 
510-459-4079.  Actually, call in either case.

   Also, I am going to be leaving a bag of tricks in the MPR that contains 
flags, stop watches, etc for the tournament.  Please take that stuff over, too.

   Sorry I can't get there but I have to get Nettles Sensei.

   And everybody who can be there please go tomorrow at 4.  It's a lot of 
work to set up but it will go quickly if we can get a lot of bodies there 
at the same time.



Yours truly,

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave #424
Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0424

Telephone:      845-437-5209
FAX:            845-437-7576
E-mail: flynn at vassar.edu

My Academic Website is http://irving.vassar.edu/faculty/sf/sf.htm
My Aikido Website is http://vsa.vassar.edu/~aikido/

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