[Aikido] Aikido business

ersnyder at vassar.edu ersnyder at vassar.edu
Sun Aug 27 12:22:23 EDT 2006

Dear Aikidokas,
I hope that everyone had a great summer. summer practices will soon be
coming to a close and hopefully our semester practices will be filled with
even more  enthusiastic new and returning students. This is an exciting
and busy year for our club. we will be hosting Nationals in October and
trying to arrange many other inter club tournaments, seminars, and
training time. We are also always trying to recruit new Aikidokas and the
beginning of fall semester is one of the best times for this. I have
signed us up for a table at The Activities Fair which is great opportunity
to reach out to incoming freshmen and transfers. It will be Sunday,
September 3rd. It will take place outside of ACDC, with a rain location of
the College Center. It will run from 10:30am to 3pm. WE NEED HELP TABLING.
if you would like to sign up for a time please email me with when you
could represent our club. I will be there at 10 to set up and at the end
to wrap up, but any help in between would be appreciated. we will also be
trying to put up some recruitment posters that will help make people aware
of our existence. If you have any ideas or designs please feel free to
email those to me as well. I look forward to seeing you all again and hope
to have a great year.
Eric Snyder
Aikido club Pres.

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