[Aikido] Party! Officers! Give us back our stuff!

Charles Hudson chhudson at vassar.edu
Wed May 3 13:42:29 EDT 2006

Hello everyone. We are going to be having a party on May 13th 
(Saturday), but I'll get to that later. First of all, we need to find 
officers for next year. Most other organizations hold elections at the 
end of the year, but as per usual, we have positions open to whoever 
will take them. (Technically, we will hold elections, but at this 
point, I will be surprised if we have more than one person running for 
each position.)

We do have three people, Janine, Adin, and Colin, available to run for 
VP or Secretary (two very similar positions).

Eric is willing to run for president if nobody else steps forward.

We need a treasurer. Now let me take a moment to pitch the position: 
it's not too much work, it looks good on your resumé, and you help the 
club get funds. Specifically, we will have about $350 in our account at 
the end of the year. If we are not able to find officers for next year 
we won't be a club, and the money will evaporate back into the VSA. If 
we can get someone to run for Treasurer we can spend that $350 sending 
people to tournaments, creating an aikido/martial arts library, or 
other wonderful things. Please consider running for Treasurer.

Saturday the 13th. Time and place as yet undecided. (Probably Rocky in 
the evening)
We will have pizzas and non-alcoholic beverages. Sean plans to bring 
Curry. We can't spend club money on alcohol, but I encourage those over 
21 to BYOB. We plan to watch a couple movies, but we haven't decided 
which ones yet. Please e-mail me with suggestions.

Please RSVP to Geoff (gewertime at vassar.edu) if you think you might be 
coming so we know how much food to get.

Finally: if you have club equipment out (swords or staves) WE NEED THEM 
BACK BY THE END OF THE YEAR. Thank you, that is all.


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