[Aikido] A Job Well Done!

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Mon Oct 16 15:08:47 EDT 2006

Dear Everybody,

   The 2006 Aikido National Tournament that we hosted this weekend was a 
great success thanks to all of your efforts.  I want to thank everybody who 
came out to help move mats, man (or woman) the tables, sell merchandise, 
take people to get their vegetarian lunches, do the scoreboards, keep time, 
etc etc for all of their hard work and dedication.  It was only through 
your efforts that so many people who had come so far for this event could 
had such a great time and learned so much aikido while also making or 
renewing so many friendships.

   A special commendation must of course go to Janine.  She has dealt with 
thousands of e-mails, scores of phone class, and dozens of in-person 
conversations while organizing this event.  Not only did it turn out to be 
the best US National Aikido tournament ever thanks to her efforts, she also 
gave each of us a shining example of good humor and grace under 
pressure.  In addition, she is also so good at time management that not 
only did she run the tournament, she managed to make enough time to kick 
some butt and earn the title of Women's Overall Tournament Champion thanks 
to her outstanding performances in both kata and randori.  I hope you will 
thank her personally the next time you see her.



Yours truly,

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave #424
Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0424

Telephone:      845-437-5209
FAX:            845-437-7576
E-mail: flynn at vassar.edu

My Academic Website is http://irving.vassar.edu/faculty/sf/sf.htm
My Aikido Website is http://vassar-aikido-club.com

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