[Aikido] Arlington Street Fair

Chelsea Anderson andersonchelsea91 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 23:25:05 EDT 2010

Hello aikido people!

Some of you know this already, but for those that don't: we're going to be
doing a brief (about 10-15 min) demonstration at the Arlington Street Fair.
So, if you're free at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and the spirit moves you, it
would be cool if you could stop by. Any level of participation is
appreciated- it would be nice to have a few people to help finish up prep/
act as ringers during the show, but we're also happy if you just want to
come offer moral support. Bring your friends, too!
I'm not sure exactly where on Raymond this demo's going to be, but we're
pretty distinctive- just look for the red mats and people in gi.

Also, an unrelated note: we have the dates for our fall seminar! It's going
to be held here at Vassar the first weekend of November (the 6-7).
Basically, it involves a lot of blackbelts/ aikido groups from all around
the area coming together to practice with one another and learn lots of new
skills. Anyone of any rank is encouraged to attend. We'll send out more
information about this event later, but for now we just wanted to make sure
that the date is on everybody's radar.

Well, I think that's all, then. Hope to see you tomorrow!

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