[Sci-all-l] X-ray Diffractometer training seminar Monday and Tuesday

Joseph M. Tanski jotanski at vassar.edu
Fri Jan 20 10:10:13 EST 2006

Dear All:

Welcome back to the new semester and Happy New Year!

This Monday and Tuesday, January 23 and 24, we will be be holding a
training seminar on the use of the hardware and software of our new X-ray

"Crystal Structure Determination and Refinement Using the Bruker AXS SMART
APEX2 System at Vassar College"

Dr. Charles Campana will be here from Bruker, and I will be leading the
seminar with him.

Please join us in the Sci Vis lab for the seminar!


Monday, January 23

1:00 - 2:30 Introduction to Crystals and Crystallography, Introduction to
the APEX2 hardware and software

Break and Refreshments

3:00 - 4:30 APEX2 Software Demonstration: X-ray Data Collection

Instrument Tour

Tuesday, January 24

9:00 Breakfast

9:30 - 10:30 SHELXTL Software Demonstration:  Structure Determination and

10:30 - ? SHELXTL Workshop... Solve and refine a crystal structure.

Hope to see you there!

Joe Tanski

Joseph M. Tanski
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry

Vassar College
124 Raymond Avenue
Box 601
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604

jotanski at vassar.edu

Webpage: http://faculty.vassar.edu/jotanski/tanski.htm

phone: 845-437-7503
lab phone: 845-437-5734
X-ray lab phone: 845-437-5380
fax:   845-437-5732

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