[Sci-all-l] Computer Science spring schedule - for your information

csdept gohl at cs.vassar.edu
Wed Nov 14 09:03:04 EST 2007

A second section of Computer Science II has been scheduled.

Computer Science II, CMPU 102-52, will be taught by James Ten Eyck, T 
Th 10:30-11:45,  location Ely 200, with a lab Monday at 4:45-6:15, 
Lab 112.

Computer Science II: Data Structures and Algorithms

Development of data structures and algorithms in an object-oriented 
programming language. Topics include hierarchic program refinement, 
preconditions, post conditions and invariants; data encapsulation and 
fundamental data structures (e.g., priority-queues, sets, maps, 
heaps, search trees, hash tables and graphs); fundamental algorithms 
(e.g., searching and sorting) and analysis of algorithm complexity. A 
weekly laboratory period provides guided hands-on experience.  Open 
to all classes. Prerequisite: Computer Science 101.


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