[Sci-all-l] APS Announces New Publication - Physics

Flora Grabowska flgrabowska at vassar.edu
Wed Jul 23 15:34:32 EDT 2008

Instead of targeting physicists only I am sharing with all because 
the front page of the current issue looks very interesting and 
cross-disciplinary: Spin doctoring the Dirac equation,  for example.


With increased specialization, and proliferation of published research
aimed at narrow specialists, it is difficult for physicists and physics
students to maintain a broad view of their subject, and become aware of
important developments in the field as a whole.  In response to this
problem, we have created Physics http://physics.aps.org.  We would like
your feedback, by email to physics at aps.org, to make this publication as
attractive and useful as possible to your readers and authors.

Physics is designed to spotlight exceptional research and to assist
readers in identifying and understanding important papers. This free
online publication will offer expert-written commentary articles that
highlight and provide context for a select group of papers published by
APS.  "Viewpoints" will discuss and explain a particular paper's
findings in a manner accessible to all physicists.  "Trends" will
cover a recent body of work in a specific field, but will also look
ahead to the challenges and questions that fascinate that field's top
researchers.  "Synopses" will summarize papers that merit wider
attention among physicists in all fields.

David Voss, the editor of Physics, brings a wealth of relevant
experience to the challenge of mining the talents and enthusiasm of our
editorial staff and the research community to create this publication
for you. His editorial on the occasion of the first appearance of
Physics http://physics.aps.org/articles/v1/1 outlines the features and
goals of the publication in more detail.

Physics was created to serve both sides of the author/reader equation.
Authors will enjoy additional attention and highlighting for their most
important papers, while readers will benefit from the selections and
opinions of experts. We hope you will visit the Physics site, and we
welcome your reactions and thoughts about what is helpful, what isn't,
and what is missing, especially as we prepare for the formal launch in

Gene Sprouse
Editor in Chief, American Physical Society

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Flora Grabowska, Science Librarian      phone 845 437 5788
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