[Sci-all-l] FRPAA - Tell your Congressperson to support

Flora Grabowska flgrabowska at vassar.edu
Fri May 21 16:08:19 EDT 2010

The NIH part of FRPAA miraculously passed last year.  Now the debate 
is on extending to all federally funded research, e.g. NSF, EPA, etc.

I encourage all US voters to lobby for FRPAA. Today you can see what this is at

As that page is fluid, a news release with background info is at
If Senators and Representatives start hearing from voters all over 
the country they may be more inclined to support passage of this 
important bill. Please encourage everyone you know to contact their 
federal politicians. Taxpayer funded published research should be 

Elsevier et al are spending millions to try to prevent the extension 
and to undo last year's Act.  Let people power prevail.

Flora Grabowska, Science Librarian      phone 845 437 5788
Vassar College Box 553,                     fax   845 437 5864
124 Raymond Ave,                       email flgrabowska at vassar.edu
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0553
Vassar College Libraries website: http://library.vassar.edu/vcl/index.html
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