[Vcfilmmakers-l] Exec Board + Keth Carradine Tom. + Meeting + Videography Thingy

Kyle Porter kyporter at vassar.edu
Thu Apr 1 01:46:42 EDT 2010


Exec Board for next year:
President = Grace Statwick
Vice-Presidents = Jon Miller & Stephanie Donnelly
Treasurer = Mike Wood
Equipment Managers = Tim O'Connor and Eric Schuman
Web Administrator = Esra Aral

Thanks to everyone that applied - we only had two free spots this year. If you applied and did not get a position, please feel free to apply again next year when there will be 3 open positions (as Grace, Jon and Stephanie will all be graduating).

And please feel free to come to the Exec Board with any ideas for events or suggestions about the club itself - we are always open to new ideas and collaborations.

Actor Keith Carradine Tomorrow
He'll be here to speak at 7PM in the Rosenwald Theater, with the film Pretty Baby being screened at 5PM in the Rosenwald. He's had a pretty long, eventful career (including acting in a bunch of films with Robert Altman), so it should be interesting to hear him speak. (Flyer's attached.)

Meeting Friday
Same time, same place (Rocky 312 4PM). It'll be a short one, but we primarily want to know what you want to learn about from Brian Paccione and Ben Rutkowski, 2 former heads of the org who will be coming up to do a couple of workshops the day before Founder's Day (aka April 30th). (Btw, Ben is an unbelievable cinematographer and will be bringing lighting diagrams to give you ideas as to how best to light your next film.) They are also willing to do a master class critique for a few films, during which they will go through your film shot by shot, so let me know if you'd be interested in having this done with your film.

But yeah, we'll do some weird exercise during the meeting as well, so come by.

Videography Job from Rebecca Guenoun in Unbound:
I am stage managing a dance production directed by Max Hershenow for his senior project this year. The show is going up April 9th and he was wondering if someone would be able to record the show and provide him with the DVD as well as the raw footage. Because it is a student production, we will only be able to provide minimal, if any compensation, but we still thought we would see if anyone was interested in helping us out. The show times are 5:30pm and 9pm on Friday, April 9th in the Shiva. If someone does record the show, they would only have to be at one of the performances, but of course they would be welcome to attend both. Contact reguenoun at vassar.edu if you're interested.

Your sitting duck,

If you were at the Jaia Thomas event (or not), here's an interesting article (from Mike) about music licensing rules taken to the extreme:

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