[Vassarfilmmakers-l] Film Opportunity!

Grace Statwick lestatwick at vassar.edu
Mon Mar 21 16:17:47 EDT 2011

Hey all,
Welcome back from Break! We'll be meeting this Friday, same time, same place: 5 in Rocky 310. Hope you're revved to get working on some sweet projects....including the one below.

"I'm a senior film major, and I'm in the middle of pre-production for a silent short that I'm shooting outside of class. It's a black comedy about a guy who meets a girl at a funeral, doesn't get her number, and decides to go on a killing spree, hoping she will show up to one of the funerals. Here's the shooting schedule:

Friday 3/25, 11-4
scenes 2, 5, 8, and 3
Saturday, 3/26 11-4
scenes 9 and 6
Friday 4/1 11-4
scene 1
Saturday 4/2 11-4
scenes 4, 7, and 10

Please note, I'm probably overestimating some of the times on the shooting schedule. I'll be shooting on campus during the first weekend and at a funeral home near campus on Fulton Ave for the second weekend. I will welcome any help I can get. If anyone's interested in being a production assistant, cinematographer, or some other role, let me know, even if you can only help out on one shoot. But if you're interested in doing cinematography, I would prefer someone with experience. My email is stedonnelly at vassar.edu Thanks!

- Stephanie"

See you soon!

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