[VCFilmmakers] Useful resource: Lynda.com

Kristopher Yim kryim at vassar.edu
Fri Dec 21 22:16:57 EST 2012

Hey all, the semester's over, and I'll be too abroad to send *obnoxiously
flamboyant *emails next semester. But! There's one last thing I wanted to
mention, granted that you all have a little bit of time now.


If you* ever* thought something along the lines of
*"Man, all the other film majors are so cool. Everyone sounds all legit
talking about cameras and stuff and using Final Cat Pro or whatever and I
don't know anything and I feel so behind."*

Well it turns out, *nobody really ever teaches you Final Cut Pro.**
It's kind of the thing that everyone expects you to know.
Even when you take two solid years of obscure film theory junk and you
become a junior, they don't really TEACH you Final Cut Pro ever. You just
have to figure it out on your own. Well now there's an easy solution:*Lynda.com
*unless you have friends

Normally, this is an really expensive online subscription for REALLY
EXISTED. The DMZ really doesn't stress this enough. I wish I had found out
about this earlier. Try it out.

Lynda.com reads your IP, and if you're using Vassar's Wi-Fi, you get to
automatically make an account, and you get access to all the tutorials and
the exercise files. BUT, if you're at home (like, when you actually have
time), you're going to need to go here:

*Click "Connecting from Off-Campus" and the link found by "Without VPN."
Sign in with your Vassar information and that connects you to Lynda.com via
the Vassar servers and junk. Make an account/"profile"/whatever (if you
haven't already), and you still get all the tutorial goodies. I promise
this is invaluable if you need to learn ANY sort of software.*

Stay lovely, all.
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