[VCFilmmakers] JUNIOR PROJECTS in desperate need of ACTORS!

Kristopher Yim kryim at vassar.edu
Thu Nov 15 19:55:04 EST 2012

Hey all,

Because I'm able to *abuse my powers* as Chief Emailing Officer of the
Filmmakers, I'm gonna ask y'all for help.

*Junior film students* in both sections of Film 320 are shooting their
final projects *THIS WEEKEND*, and a few of us need *ACTORS*:
... ... ...
*Adam and I* are in desperate need of actors! No experience necessary! *We'll
feed you pizza or Kismat or WHATEVER* you're hungry, talented, beautiful
hearts desire!
If you're interested (or just wanna help a couple-a brothas out) *please *email
both Adam (adbuchsbaum at vassar.edu) and I (kryim at vassar.edu) know you're
availability on Saturday and Sunday! We'll work with you're schedule -- let
us know as soon as possible, please! LIKE SERIOUSLY. Thanks!

   - Adam's film is a horror-inspired tale about an overzealous cult
   archaeologist's brief and deadly encounter with a vampire.
   - My film is about a high school teacher's struggles with a class filled
   with sneaky, shameless cheaters.

Because I want to maintain the illusion of fairness, I'm morally obligated
to mention that that *Wendel Smith* (wesmith at vassar.edu) has been asking
around for help since yesterday, and *Chloe Tonsall *(chtonsall at vassar.edu)
has also recently asked for help. If you happen to like them more, shoot
them an email. They would almost certainly appreciate the interest!

   - Wendel's call: A call to actors or want-to-be actors who want to have
   a role in my final short film of the semester. It is a silent horror with a
   relatively simple plot (more details if I offer you the role). I am looking
   for two male characters: a main and a friend of the main (brief
   appearance). You don't have to have professional experience. Actually, no
   experience is welcome! It's silent so you won't have to worry about singing
   or talking! The shoot in its entirety will take place Saturday and Sunday
   and will take 6 hours (2 hours Sat, 4 hours Sun). Benefits? You can add
   this to your portfolio! Oh yeah, and I will provide food! Let me know if
   you are interested!
   - Chloe's call: Shooting my final filmmaking project this Saturday and I
   definitely need anybody to act! It's silent, black and white physical
   comedy with one major girl, one minor guy, and 3/4 extras. We will shoot in
   3 hour shifts according to your schedule & I will provide food! Message me
   if you're interested :D

Now, I don't want to leave anybody out, here. I don't know if Hunter or
Nick need help, since I haven't seen them spam the four corners of Facebook
in search for actors, but they're working on their projects, too, so if you
think they're cute and want an excuse to hang out with them, their contacts
are, respectively, wifurnish at vassar.edu and nichianese at vassar.edu .

But seriously, I'll buy you as much food as you want,
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