[VCFilmmakers] Junior Final Project PAs needed!

Kristopher Yim kryim at vassar.edu
Thu Nov 29 14:29:06 EST 2012

Hey all,

I'm going to abuse my powers as Grand Supreme High Email Chancellor again,
so here it goes:

Adam and I could really use an extra hand on our shoot this weekend. If any
freshmen or sophomore film major (or anyone who happens to be curious and
strangely has a lot of free time) wants to learn first hand about what
junior filmmaking is like, and would want to help us out with moving
equipment, reading light, and seeing how things work, we could really use
the help!

We'll tell you all about the class, how things work, what to expect, etc.
AND FEED YOU *FREE PIZZA.* So, if you can spare a few hours any time
between Saturday 8am - 5pm (ish), and/or Sunday 10am - 5pm (ish), contact
us: adbuchsbaum at vassar.edu and kryim at vassar.edu

*(BTW Don't miss the VIDEO COMEDY NIGHT which is TONIGHT at 8pm in ROCKY

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