[VCFilmmakers] Plug - VCtv!

Hunter Furnish wifurnish at vassar.edu
Tue Sep 25 09:01:49 EDT 2012

Hey all,

Here is the first of many emails that we will be sending out regarding VCTV, a project opportunity for Vassar filmmakers. We are really excited for this upcoming year and we have a lot of new project ideas to share with you when we meet. Additionally, we are very interested in any ideas you may have! Before I get ahead of myself, let me first explain what VCTV is.

VCTV (Vassar College TV) is an on-campus, student-led television production company that produces a monthly webisode for a school-year-long webseries. Run time for each webisode is approximately 2 to 5 minutes. Any genre idea is welcome. VCTV is your chance to not only be a part of a production group, but to also take on leadership positions in pre-production, production, and post-production for each webisode. These include acting, writing, directing, cinematography, editing, composing, and producing.
VCTV was founded last year by a group of passionate students who love to make films and who want to share their skill set and talents, as well as entertain the Vassar community through the medium of film. No film experience is necessary to join, as we have all of the equipment and expertise at your disposal. This is a fun learning experience for all!
In our first meeting, we will brainstorm ideas for our new webseries, and begin to talk about leadership positions for the upcoming year. So writers, start thinking of some ideas to pitch at the meeting. Actors, this is your chance to get in front of the camera. Directors, Cinematographers, Editors, and Composers, you guys will bring the vision to life. Producers, get ready to run the show. 

Our first meeting is this Thursday at 7pm on the left side of the Jewett MPR. So literally, just walk into Jewett and head towards the elevator and you will see two large rooms on each side. Go to the left and you will see us there! 

See you Thursday!
Nicole Glantz and Wendel Smith
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