[VCFilmmakers] End of the Year Screening - - IMPORTANT

Wendel Smith wesmith at vassar.edu
Thu Apr 18 11:56:30 EDT 2013


The VC Filmmakers is having their *end of the year* screening event in the
Rosenwald. This is a great opportunity to *showcase your work*. This can be
anything from short videos, short films, or even entires from competitions.
As of now, there is not a date set in place but you can count on it
happening near the beginning of May. We are now taking submissions and they
can be submitted to Hunter Furnish via YouTube. Because we are screening on
a projector, be sure to upload a 1080p resolution (HD) so that we can
maximize the quality of your submission during the screening. If you need
help doing this, you can contact me (aka Wendel Smith) and I can help you
with the necessary conversions.

Later Brah and Brahdettes,
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