[VCFilmmakers] Reminder: Submit to MODFEST by 2/4!

Kristopher Yim kryim at vassar.edu
Sat Feb 2 21:09:13 EST 2013

So you think you're all DEEP and junk?
What, you think you're the next Hitchcock--why, cuz you go to an expensive
liberal arts school and call yourself an 'artist?" You pretty up your
facebook page with black-and-white photos of you taking pictures with your
FANCY SHMANCY camera with an oversized lens, spitting camera lingo back and
forth like you own the place?

none of that means SQUAT

unless you can *PROVE IT*

Got a short film? Email Hunter Furnish at wifurnish at vassar.edu about
submitting it by MONDAY FEBRUARY 4th
 to the Modfest film screening

The MODFEST Film Screening is on Wednesday February 6th, 8pm at the
Rosenwald (CDF 109)!

-has to be less than 15 minutes long
-can be personal or academic
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