[VCFilmmakers] Fwd: Editing Workshop - FCP X Basics - Weds, March 26th @ 5:30pm

Kristopher Yim kryim at vassar.edu
Tue Mar 4 18:22:46 EST 2014

the *EDITING WORKSHOP* tomorrow, presented by the Library DMZ (The
Department of Motor Zehicles) and the Vassar Filmmakers. *The workshop
starts at 5:30pm TOMORROW at the Library Classroom (turn left at the end of
the hallway leading into the 24-hour room).*

There is also an* AFTER EFFECTS* workshop taught at 4:30pm tomorrow at
the *same
room**. *
You might think "After Effects? What the heck is that? Sounds complex and
Adobe After Effects is a complex motion graphics program that allows you to
do A LOT OF INSANELY COOL STUFF. Yeah, remember VCTV's *The Suit* series?
That mouth-watering VCTV intro, with those badass superpower effects? After
Effects bro. Learn the basics straight from the master. 4:30pm.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kristopher Yim <kryim at vassar.edu>
Date: Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 3:50 PM
Subject: Editing Workshop - FCP X Basics - Weds, March 26th @ 5:30pm
To: vcfilmmakers-l <vcfilmmakers-l at lists.vassar.edu>

The DMZ and the Vassar Filmmakers present...


[image: Inline image 1]

We will be discussing basic editing principles, workflow strategies and
what FCP can do for any project that you are working on. We will work on
some basic cutting as well as dealing with music and transitions.

*Wednesday, March 26th @ 5:30 pm*
*Library Classroom (near the DMZ)*

Other workshops:
FCP X Intermediate - Weds, April 2nd @ 5:30pm
FCP X Advanced - Weds, April 9th @ 5:30pm

Q. But FCP X sucks... I want to learn Premiere, or FCP 7, or Avid!
A. Tough bananas, kid.
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