[VCFilmmakers] VC Filmmakers Updates - 6 Upcoming Projects for the Spring

Leon Brill lebrill at vassar.edu
Sun Nov 11 18:36:51 EST 2018

Hey Filmmakers,

After the discussions during last week's meeting, we'll be slightly
restructuring how we operate going forward. In lieu of weekly screenings,
we'll have weekly meetings. We figure this will allow the club to focus
more on filmmaking and other events. Meetings will serve as a space to come
up with ideas for future filmmaking projects, meet students interested in
different areas of production, and help each other move into the larger
film industry.

The first meeting under this new direction will be this *Tuesday at 6pm in
Rocky 201. *We have about six projects which we intend to shoot next
semester but are certainly open to more. If we can shoot something every
week, that'd be fantastic. Please note that by coming to us with an idea,
the idea is your own, we merely give you the tools to help realize it.

Also note that screenings will still occur, but only once or twice a month.
We hope to make these more event-style meetings which could even showcase
student work before the feature presentation.

[image: Applause-harry-potter.gif]

I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday,

Leon Brill
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