[VCFilmmakers] Updates

Kelsie Milburn kmilburn at vassar.edu
Thu Nov 5 16:29:09 EST 2020

Hello Filmmakers,

So we talked about the monster movie in our meeting last week, and we've
decided to move it into production. Initially, the plan was to film this
weekend Saturday and Sunday, but it looks like we will be moving it to next
weekend due to a morph suit mishap.

If anyone would like to help with lighting and sound we could use a few
crew members for that.

Additionally, I'm doing special FX makeup and costume design, so if anyone
would like to help me out with that, great.

We have a facebook group chat, so if you're very interested and want to
stay up to date, let me know and I'll add you to it.

And if you want to join the production team tonight, we will be meeting in
the Villard room at 7:30pm, masks included.

[image: revenge of the creature horror GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre]

Much love honies,
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