[Aikido] Can you participate in Japan Culture Day?

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Mon Oct 27 09:12:05 EST 2003

Dear VCAC Members,

   Shishida Sensei has been asked to give a demonstration at this year's 
Japan Culture Day, which is sponsored every year by the Asian Studies 

   It will be held from 12-2 p.m. on Friday November 14th.

   We would like as many of you as possible to participate in the 
demonstration.  You may not know a lot of techniques by you each know 
several rather well and we would like for everyone to help us show off how 
much fun aikido is!

   We have been asked to start at 12:15, however, we can start anytime 
between say noon and 1:30.  So I need each of you to tell me if you have an 
sort of a scheduling confiict, and if so, whether starting at 12:15 or a 
bit later would work best for you.  We'll adjust the starting time so as to 
maximize the number of people who can participate.

Your sensei,


Yours truly,

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave #424
Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0424

Telephone:      845-437-5209
FAX:            845-437-7576
E-mail: flynn at vassar.edu

My Academic website is http://irving.vassar.edu/faculty/sf/sf.htm
My Aikido website at http://vsa.vassar.edu/~aikido/

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