[Aikido] friday practice, wednesday study break

Charles Hudson chhudson at vassar.edu
Mon Oct 11 00:57:34 EDT 2004

Good evening. Charlie here. I think we have resolved our friday 
practice problems. For anybody who wants a last minute tune-up on 
friday, there will be time to practice around 8. We will hold it in 
Walker Field house. This will give us a chance to move the mats over 
before Saturday morning. This will just be informal time to do what you 
think you need to do. If you plan to practice please come a little 
early to help move the mats. Vehicles are no longer required (for 
friday). However...
We are doing an Aikido study break for Noyes this wednesday at 9:30. 
We'll bring over enough mats to do a demonstration. After that we'll 
try to teach something that won't be too involved. We won't really 
teach any full techniques per se, because that would involve teaching 
falls, which could itself take half an hour to an hour, not counting 
warmup. So I think what we'll do is explain the common principals of 
all aikido techniques (ma-ai, ta-sabaki, kazushi, etc.), and then show 
some self defensy type things off of wrist grabs and the like. So 
that's the plan. We will need a few vehicles for this. I have one, so 
maybe one other. We don't need a ton of people to go to this, I think 
4-6 people would be fine. So think about it, and try to tell me by 
tuesday whether or not you think you can do it. Thats all folks. Thanks 
for suffering through it.
p.s. Ellen, there is a nasty rumor going around that you want us to 
bump the officers meeting back. Is this true?

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