[Aikido] This and that

Aslak Berg asberg at vassar.edu
Sun Oct 17 17:46:06 EDT 2004

Hi everyone,
So Charlie and Eric, I don't know if anyone told you but you guys won both
the junanahon and the open kata. Congratulations! I have the trophies here
and I'll bring them to practice after break.
Also, someone forgot a green Helly Hansen jacket in the Fieldhouse, If it
belongs to or you know who it belongs to, please let me know.
Oh, and I wanted you to know that the club made a profit of about $350 after
paying for trophies and such. That is really, really, good and it actually
more than doubles the amount of money on our account. We'll have to find
ways to put that money to good use.
Lastly, Colin and anyone else interested, I'm on campus for October break. I
need a day or two to recover from the tournament because I'm really, really
sore, but email me if you're interested in meeting up sometime this week.


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