[Aikido] Great Job!

Sean Flynn flynn at vassar.edu
Sun Oct 24 19:18:02 EDT 2004

Dear Everybody,

   Sorry not to say this sooner...but Great Job.

   That tournament was well run and professional and everybody had a great 

   The level of aikido was also very high, which speaks well to your hard 
work and training.

   Going forward, you all need belt tests.  So we're going to be doing a 
LOT of kata in the next few weeks.

   Many of you will be testing for two or three belt ranks.  The beginners 
I want testing for yellow belts.

   Charlie will be going for his shodan (first degree black belt).

   We have to teach the advanced students the Juppon Ura Waza (the 10 
counters to the Junanna hon) as well as the Ura Waza for the Nanahon Nage 
Kuzushi waza (the 7 basic balance breaking techniques.  Th Ura waza are 
another 7, a set of "reversals" of a sort).

   Also, it seems that for some strange reason the Arnolds have been moved 
from March to June for 2005.  That kinda goofs up our idea of going to a 
tournament in March in Ohio.  So plan on having a small, intra-club 
tournament in the spring and also about maybe attending the World 
Tournament in Tokyo next October.  (I'll get exact dates soon.)

   I also want Becky and Charlie to start teaching lots of the Waseda 
randori drills on a regular basis.  We need to get that info into our bodies.



   At 04:46 PM 10/17/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>So Charlie and Eric, I don't know if anyone told you but you guys won both
>the junanahon and the open kata. Congratulations! I have the trophies here
>and I'll bring them to practice after break.
>Also, someone forgot a green Helly Hansen jacket in the Fieldhouse, If it
>belongs to or you know who it belongs to, please let me know.
>Oh, and I wanted you to know that the club made a profit of about $350 after
>paying for trophies and such. That is really, really, good and it actually
>more than doubles the amount of money on our account. We'll have to find
>ways to put that money to good use.
>Lastly, Colin and anyone else interested, I'm on campus for October break. I
>need a day or two to recover from the tournament because I'm really, really
>sore, but email me if you're interested in meeting up sometime this week.
>Aikido mailing list
>Aikido at lists.vassar.edu

Yours truly,

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Economics
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave #424
Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0424

Telephone:      845-437-5209
FAX:            845-437-7576
E-mail: flynn at vassar.edu

My Academic Website is http://irving.vassar.edu/faculty/sf/sf.htm
My Aikido Website is http://vsa.vassar.edu/~aikido/

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