[Aikido] Tournament and Whatnot

Charles Hudson chhudson at vassar.edu
Sun Oct 17 23:11:15 EDT 2004

Great tournament everyone! We had a great turnout, and I hope everyone 
had a good time. For our first time around I think the tournament was 
definitely a success. Thanks to all of those people who showed up and 
helped out. A big thanks for all of you who stayed late and cleaned up, 
and those who moved the mats back the next day. I felt real bad 
Saturday night driving away knowing that there was still a lot of work 
to get done, from what I gather from the e-mails that I have received, 
it sounds like everything did get done. I cannot thank you guys enough 
for that.
	All that being said, there are a lot of things that we can do to 
improve the event next year, and it is never too early to start 
thinking that stuff. If you have any comments, ideas, or suggestions 
feel free to e-mail me.
	Aslak, the jacket you found belongs to Hugh Steir, I'll e-mail him and 
let you know we have it.
	Thanks again everyone for all your hard work, I'll look forward to 
seeing you all when I get back.

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