[Vcfilmmakers-l] 3 Quick Messages

Kyle Porter kyporter at vassar.edu
Tue Mar 2 20:35:04 EST 2010


We will not be having a meeting this Friday. However, anyone who would like to be on the exec board next year should begin to think further about the matter. I'll send out more information about the various positions and what to write (if you want to be on the board) at the beginning of break, and would like any and all proposals to be submitted by the first Friday when we've returned (March 26th).

>From Nat Allister:
hey kids, i'm doing a shoot tomorrow in the Shawnagunk Mountains (40 minutes away) and really need a boom operator. we're leaving shortly after noon and getting back no later than 4.

can anybody make it? pretty much everybody has class, so i'm getting desperate, and i'd probably buy you dinner or something sometime if you could help me out. plus, it should be fun...we get to bury my lead actor in a giant snowbank. let me know as soon as you can if it might work for you.

(Call him at (952) 237-3759 if you'd be interested in working tomorrow.)

>From After-Hours (If you forgot, After-Hours wants to collaborate on a couple music video projects with Filmmakers):
Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to send out the two inspirations for the film project,  
check them out!!




Just to clarify, all musicians get their recorded singles to me ASAP.  
We'll brainstorm some ideas until we start filming after Spring Break.

How's everybody feelin'? Hungry for more? Shoot me any questions.

Stay warm y'all,
Kyle Moon-Wright

>From Sam Wootton of the Film Majors Committee:
Hi everyone,

This Thursday, March 4th, Jared Berenholz is holding a brief Q&A on interning with NBC.  He's interned with NBC and is currently a page.  

It is at 3:30 in CDF 308, I encourage you to attend to learn about the internship process for a major entity like NBC.

The Q&A shouldn't be long at all, and afterwards, I'd like to hold a brief Majors' Committee meeting.

Our discussion points:
- An informational meeting about field work/internships, hosted by the Career Development Office
- More student screenings
- Potential guest speaker about working in the industry

Definitely try to make this one.

See you soon,

Almost there,

PS - Frank Capra: "A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something."

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