[Vassarfilmmakers-l] OPPORTUNITIES

Grace Statwick lestatwick at vassar.edu
Tue Sep 21 13:21:14 EDT 2010

Hey, folks -- 
First of all, Capital Budgeting for the VSA is going on this week -- basically, this means just one IMPORTANT QUESTION: is there any equipment YOU, PERSONALLY, would like to see us buy (that would last at least three years)? If so, GET TO ME BY WEDNESDAY at 8pm!

Second, thanks to everyone who came out to the 12-Hour Film Fest screening this Saturday. Great success! The films were all pretty exciting stuff.

If any of you want to put your films on either...
A. the Vassar Filmmakers' website (http://vsa.vassar.edu/orgs/vassarfilmmakers/) or 
B. the Misc's website (http://www.miscellanynews.com/), 


For option A., go here: http://vsa.vassar.edu/orgs/vassarfilmmakers/get-involved/submit-posts/ or email Tim (tioconnor at vassar.edu) or Eric (erschuman at vassar.edu). 
For option B., email maturpin at vasar.edu.


Speaking of which, here are some more!

1. Sasha Stadler is looking for 2 or 3 people for TRAVELOGUES. 

2. Amanda Messenger and the Barefoot Monkeys are looking for 1 person, or more, for FIRE SHOW VIDEOGRAPHY.

3. This dude Charlie Birns is looking for A BUTTLOAD of people for AN ACTUAL FEATURE!

I'll let them tell you in their own words:


"I’ve been thinking about this Misc collaboration, and I agree that it would be a great opportunity. Creating a travelogue around the mid-Hudson area was mentioned before, and this is a project I’d really like to work on. We could feature locations and activities either in specific nearby towns or keep it super-local to Poughkeepsie. Before I approach Molly with the idea, I want to make sure we have a group ready and willing to do this.

I would like to collaborate with maybe 2 or 3 other people for this project. It would be great if we could get someone to function primarily as editor and someone to function primarily as camera operator. We can discuss the division of responsibilities more if there’s an interest in pursuing this project. I want to be ambitious with this project and try to feature several locations this semester, if time and schedules allow. Again, we can discuss this in depth later with the Misc. 

I also have a car and can provide transportation.

If anyone is interested, please email me at sastadler at vassar.edu or call (414) 659-4201



"Hi Filmmakers!

The Barefoot Monkeys is performing our annual Fall Fire Show this Saturday, September 25th at 9pm on the quad. We would really love someone to film the show from 9pm to 10 pm at the latest (be there a little early to set up), would anyone be willing to come and film the show while watching it? We would really appreciate it and love to have everyone come out to see us perform regardless of whether you want to film or not! Email Amanda Messenger at ammessenger at vassar.edu if you are interested! Thank you!

Barefoot Monkeys"


"I'm working on a film called "Return" that begins production October 5th in Newburgh. It's a great project about a female soldier returning home after a year at war. It's written and directed by Liza Johnson and stars Linda Cardellini, Michael Shannon, and Tim Blake Nelson. It's also sponsored by Sundance and Exec. Produced by Meredith Vieira.

We're going to need all sorts of production interns so I wanted to reach out to you. You are all busy with the liberal arts curriculum, no doubt, but perhaps some people would be able to commit one or two full days per week for the 6 week shoot. 

We're based in NYC now but will be spending more and more time upstate as the date nears. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks so much!

Very best,
Charlie Birns
(914) 924-0773
birnsc at gmail.com"


More to come about that last one, as I ask him more questions. Maybe we can send a group down during October Break.

Ok, do your thing,


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