[VCFilmmakers] Welcome back! And "Directing the Actors" Workshop

Wendel Smith wesmith at vassar.edu
Mon Mar 25 14:44:49 EDT 2013

What up Filmmakers!

I hope all of you have had a wonderful, relaxing break! The Exec Board has
been hard at work planning engaging events for the rest of the semester.

Our first is a directing workshop led by James Duff, a director, writer,
and producer from Prague Film School. He will teach two "Directing the
Actors" workshops on Wednesday, March 27 and Monday, April 1 both from 7pm
to 10pm. The second workshop will directly springboard off the first, but
it is okay to only attend one. This is a great opportunity to learn more
about the art of directing—and become a better director when filming your
own shorts or features. We will let you all know about the location soon.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to respond to this

I hope to see you there!

Wendel Smith, Public Relations Manager
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