[VCFilmmakers] Director's Workshop TODAY!

Wendel Smith wesmith at vassar.edu
Wed Mar 27 11:10:31 EDT 2013

Yo Filmmakers!

This is a friendly reminder that the *"Directing the Actors" Workshop* is
today from *7pm to 10pm* in *Rocky 307*. James Duff, a director, writer,
and producer from Prague Film School, will be leading this workshop and the
one next week. The second workshop will directly springboard off the first,
but it is okay to only attend one. This is a great opportunity to learn
more about the art of directing and become a better director when filming
your own shorts or features. If you have any questions at all, please don't
hesitate to respond to this email.

For those who don't like to read emails:

*Workshop - - - Rocky 307 - - - 7pm to 10pm *

Seeeeee youuuuuu theerrrreeeeeee,

Wendel Brahhh
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