[VCFilmmakers] Useful Meeting RECAP (FAQs)

Kristopher Yim kryim at vassar.edu
Thu Sep 12 19:44:43 EDT 2013

Hey Filmmakers!

First off, please *LIKE* our Facebook page at
---> www.facebook.com/vassarfilmmakers <---
*I'm more liberal about posting about events,*
*asking for feedback, and all that other stuff,*
*because I don't wanna spam y'all's mailboxes.*

In case you missed yesterday's meeting, here's a recap of the basics:

*Q. What do the Vassar Filmmakers do?*
A. We help you make films! Our goal is to create a relaxed, communal space
and network for Vassar's film-loving community. So, how do we help?
Firstly, we've got film equipment for you to rent (free of charge! see
below). Second, we encourage you to share works-in-progress, feedback,
ideas, and to seek out future crew members during our meetings! Lastly, we
hold really awesome special events, like SCREENINGS, WORKSHOPS, and GUEST
SPEAKERS. We're also here to bring together people who just like watching
and talking about films. We hold informal discussions during our meetings
to get the conversation started.

*Q. What equipment do you have, and how do I rent it?*
A. Book equipment *FREE OF CHARGE* by contacting *Hunter Furnish* at
wifurnish at vassar.edu. There are three conditions: bring it back when you're
supposed to, don't break anything, and don't use it for school classes. The
equipment we have available is thusly:
            - Canon Rebel t4i DSLR
            - Tascam Audio Recorder
            - Arri Light Kit (3 lights)
            - Shoulder rig
            - Cables, tripods, stingers, and MORE COOL STUFF!

*Q. Are meetings mandatory?*
A. What is this, high school? C'mon. Relax. We try to make meetings fun,
but if you want, you can just take advantage of our mailing list and our
Facebook page & group for updates, events, and networking purposes. MORE

Q. Who do I contact for...*
A. *Booking equipment? *Ask Hunter Furnish at wifurnish at vassar.edu
*How to use said equipment?* Ask Hunter Furnish at wifurnish at vassar.edu
*Unsubscribe from the mailing list?* Email me at kryim at vassar.edu
*Cool ideas/suggestions for future events?* Email me at kryim at vassar.edu
*Urgent club matters?* Take it to Cez Cervantes at cecervantes at vassar.edu

*Q. So wait.. Do you guys, like, make films as a club?*
A. You'll want to check out *VCTV* for that. It's a separate organization
that where you can work in crews or propose projects for short films. For
more information, ask Wendel Smith at wesmith at vassar.edu.

Our objective is to create a more generalized support circle, provide
equipment for independent projects, and to host events like screenings and
workshops that are film related, rather than production.

*Q. When is the next meeting?*
A. Our meetings are *bi-weekly*. I'll announce the room and time later on.

Thanks for reading!
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