[VCFilmmakers] CAMERA WORKSHOP- email back to sign up

Nicole Glantz niglantz at vassar.edu
Wed Sep 24 16:28:28 EDT 2014

Dear VC Filmmakers,

Matt from the film department is generously donating his time to hold a *camera
workshop* for us. The workshop will be informative, hands-on, and lots of
fun. We will provide equipment for you, so just bring yourselves.

We have *only 12 spaces available* for this workshop (we want to make sure
you get individual attention so we are keeping it small). The first 12
people to email me (niglantz at vassar.edu) will be sent a "whenisgood" to
figure out what time works best for everyone.

If you do not get into the workshop but are still interested, we will
schedule another one to make sure everyone gets a chance to attend!

Best always,

Nicole Glantz '15
Co-President VC Filmmakers | Co-Founder VCTV
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