[Vassarfilmmakers-l] MEETING TODAY COME TO ROCKY 312 at 5 PM

Grace Statwick lestatwick at vassar.edu
Fri Oct 8 13:45:23 EDT 2010


We're doing something unorthodox and fun. Because it is such a beautiful day, and who wants to spend the whole afternoon in Rocky, anyway:

We're going to do a LOCATION SCOUTING/SHOOTING EXERCISE. Where to shoot on campus if you need a bedroom? A kitchen? An office? What do you do if you need various exteriors - a park, woods, a city street, a neighborhood sidewalk, a graveyard? etc (just as examples).

So meet in Rocky 312, BRING A STILL CAMERA IF YOU HAVE ONE (otherwise we'll just use cameras on cell phones or something; resolution isn't much of an issue at this point), and then we'll split into groups.

Groups will need to take pictures of rooms/spaces that

1. don't look like they're on a college campus and 
2. are hard for any of us to tell where on campus they actually are.

The object of the exercise:

Tim says/I paraphrase:
"shooting on campus significantly detracts from production value. As Hitchcock emphasized, location, location, location."

Afterwards, we'll come back together and look at the pictures, try to see who was best at disguising the places they found, etc. etc. Then we'll wrap things up by Mike and Eric talking about Primer, which was made for $7,000 and was written for very specific locations (interesting preproduction strategy).

Sound good? Bring friends! It's a beautiful day - this would be a good study break as well as a good outdoor jaunt/photo session, heh.

See you soon,

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