Grace Statwick lestatwick at vassar.edu
Thu Apr 7 22:13:33 EDT 2011

Yo all!

Highly important meeting tomorrow: We're going to be discussing exec board positions for next year. If you love Vassar Filmmakers and want to help it grow and flourish next year, apply! If you want fantastic amounts of power and prestige next year, apply! If you have no idea what being on the exec board entails, come to this meeting to find out.

Note that all of the underclassmen already on the Exec Board (Mike, Tim, Eric, Esra) will continue to be on it next year, though the positions they will be occupying are up in the air. Thus, there will 3 open positions, since we want to have a 7-person Exec Board next year.

We're also going to be discussing summer projects, plans, and internships at this meeting, with some possible leads if you haven't figured out what you want to do.

So, as always, tomorrow at 5 pm, Rocky 310. See you there.


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